Friday, September 27, 2024

Good things happening

 I decided to separate this blog post from the one full of pictures.

This last week, a bunch of good things happened. Let me start with the one that I am most thankful for.

When Kevin and I were in Michigan at the beginning of our marriage, we were friends with a couple with a large family.

One of their sons was working overseas for some years. Something went wrong recently regarding paperwork, and he ended up being detained and stuck in some rather lousy prison for foreigners with these kinds of issues. The problem in question lingered for literally weeks as our embassy didn't move quickly to sort out the paperwork issues. The young man has some underlying health issues and the prison was not a healthy place. 

I was praying, as were a great many people. Finally he did get the necessary documentation and he returned home in the last week.

So so so thankful. As a mom myself, I cannot imagine how hard this was for the entire family as they worried about him.

That's the biggest win of the week, for sure! 

Other far less important things, but nonetheless I am thankful.

1. I found a pair of my glasses that went missing. They had been gone for weeks and I decided to search my car. Yep, they were under a seat.

2. The Detroit Tigers, "my" baseball team, are on a tear. They have won 30 of the last 41 games or something and are on the cusp of making it to the post season for the first time in a decade. It is likely they will quickly be eliminated but still it is great fun!

3. Lydia is happily installed in her new job and likes it.

4. Our books are doing well. We have a new book launching next week and there is a lot of buzz around it. Of course, the buzz is partially because Kevin is doing an AWESOME job of promoting the book. But even aside from that, apparently people are pretty excited about the concept. It is a trope called "Elizabeth is Not a Bennet". Basically Elizabeth is adopted by the Bennets instead of being a Bennet daughter.

5. We got rain! Lots of it!  So so thankful!

I tend to focus on the things that aren't great sometimes, which isn't good. So right now I am thinking about how thankful I am for all these wonderful things that have happened recently.


End of September

Our cats are cute. 

Gorgeous skies one night. Obviously the pool is still open. It is getting cold though.

Kevin tore down our playset that we acquired like 17 years ago. It was falling apart and not safe. Then he decided to construct some swings for our front yard. After figuring out everything including making diagrams and using geometry...


Cogburn is still hanging around looking happy. He is also very loud but he is so adorable we don't mind. Much.

Rose played with the train set this week. It is funny; a toy will sit in a corner for literally months and I will think, hmmm, maybe we should get rid of it...

And then the kids get excited.

Kevin did a great job with the garden this year. We had a drought but he watered very faithfully so we got lots of squashes. We are also getting many green beans still which makes me SO happy!

After aforementioned drought, we finally have been getting rain, which is a huge relief. There were dangers of wildfires and now the ground is nicely wet and the water table is probably a lot better.

So we are thankful for that!



Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Mid September

 It is hot out there! It has been a hot and very dry month. We are praying for rain.

Our pool is getting colder thanks to longer and chillier nights. That makes it easier to keep under control as colder water doesn't grow as much algae. On the downside, fewer Kendigs are willing to jump in because it is less comfortable.

This is a large bin FULL of crumpled paper. Yesterday I finished my edits of the latest book. Now I am basically done with that one and Kevin will take it from here. Hooray!

I have another book that is already 64,000 words long. I set it aside a few weeks ago to finish Elizabeth is Not a Bennet (the latest book) and now need to start it up again. It needs some more drama so I am thinking about adding a plot thread.

Lydia started her new job today. She battled major health issues for months and has been steadily improving so that makes us all very happy! She is a receptionist now.

I usually don't get political on this blog and will just touch on a couple of things today. First, I am sad and worried that another person tried to assassinate Trump. It is crazy and scary. The man in question seems totally delusional and screwed up.

Another thing is that Springfield Ohio has been in the national news due to some things that came up in the debate. Springfield is only 15 miles from us. Kevin technically grew up in Springfield, though actually his house was the first one beyond the line of Enon, Ohio.

There is a genuine struggle in Springfield because an incredible number of Haitian immigrants have been settled there. Through no fault of their own, they don't speak English. Through no fault of their own, they don't know how to drive. The social resources are strained beyond the breaking point.

Lots of Christians on my Facebook feed are calling for love toward these people, and they are, of course, right. There are ministries working to help them in various ways.

Since we live so close to Springfield, one obvious question is -- what am I called to do to help these people?

The answer is, nothing.

That sounds dismissive, but I pray often for God's wisdom on what I am supposed to be doing in this season of life. My primary job is to care for my children. Given that there are many of them, and given that I am also writing a lot, and given my own emotional and mental make-up, I definitely cannot spend time doing ministry in Springfield.

Kevin and I and the kids are involved in a pantry ministry at our church (not in Springfield) but that is a small thing, only once a month.

The children do more than Kevin and I do with ministry; the older ones, I mean.

When I was a young mother, I was told by wise people around me that teenagers love to talk into the late evening about difficult topics. And I thought, I sure hope not! I am totally a morning person and am brain dead at night.

They were right. Last night I ended up talking at length with two kids (separately) about some emotional issues.

That was good. That was my job. 

I love Ecclesiastes 3

There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens:

    a time to be born and a time to die,
    a time to plant and a time to uproot,
    a time to kill and a time to heal,
    a time to tear down and a time to build,
    a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance,
    a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
    a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
    a time to search and a time to give up,
    a time to keep and a time to throw away,
    a time to tear and a time to mend,
    a time to be silent and a time to speak,
    a time to love and a time to hate,
    a time for war and a time for peace.

Kevin and I are in a LONG season of raising children. I am guessing many people don't make such heavy weather of it. I think we are doing a very good job but it is hard work for us. I am confident that if I devoted myself to ministries outside the home, my parenting and teaching would suffer.

So yeah. I am praying for Springfield but I am not doing anything else during this season of life.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Latest Book

 I have finished another book! The last one I wrote, Handsome Enough to Tempt Him, was finished in late June and was only released last week. That is because we were having someone do a simulatenous audio book and had to wait for her to do it.  There were other reasons but I don't know them. Part of the reason our writing partnership works is that Kevin does a bunch of stuff and I do a bunch of stuff and we leave certain decisions to the other person.

Kevin decides on when to publish.

The next book is coming out in like, three weeks. Wow! So we will have two long books a month apart!

Current one is sitting at over 100K words. I kept telling Kevin this book was going to be short, and then it wasn't.

This is very common for me, by the way.

I dislike this part of the writing process the most. I have to do a full edit of the book and keep track of disparate threads of the plot. I wrote the epilogues a few days ago, and then realized I had entirely forgotten a very important original character and had to insert him back in!

I have random notes on my desk to remind myself of names and details.

We print out the entire book on paper, and then Angela does an edit on paper, and I do a follow up edit on paper, and then I put the corrections into the Word document.

I cannot express how much I dislike this process. It is tedious and requires a lot of attention.

A couple of books ago, I discovered that when I finish a page, it gives me a blip of happy chemicals to rip it out of the binder, crumple it up, and throw it on the floor. So that is what I do.

I have thought long and hard about how blessed I am to be able to do this job. Lots of people cannot. I have major areas of weakness -- athletics, art, imagining battlefields -- but I can write! I can come up with interesting plots and keep track of all the threads pretty well. I make the occasional mistake but I am definitely pretty good at it.

And I didn't do anything to make that happen. I work very hard and I persevere and I am disciplined, bu the actual ability is a gift.

I am grateful. 

And... back to work on editing!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Cogburn the Rooster


Kevin named the rooster Cogburn and he is obviously quite comfortable with us. He struts around our property with the occasional foray over to the neighbor's house, and crows often.

He is a very, very handsome fellow.

Kevin has been throwing him zucchinis and bread so yeah, he definitely likes us!

It is kind of a miracle he hasn't been eaten by anything yet. I guess he is smarter than he looks.

There is no danger from the cats, anyway; he is bigger than most of them!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Late August

 It is hot. So so so so hot. High of 95 today or something! It was 95 yesterday, and 95 the day before. There is a theme, as you can see.

However, it is supposed to be cooler starting this weekend. August is ending and September is coming so this is the last really hot gasp of summer, I expect. The kids have been swimming a great deal. The water is delightful.

Kevin took the kids raspberry picking last week. They picked a bunch of berries and...

Kevin made jam!

I ate so many beans these last weeks. I love beans and bacon.

We had a visitor; a rooster showed up at the neighbor's house a few weeks ago, out of nowhere. Then he decided to spend a few hours strutting around our pool area. Then he left to go somewhere else.

More beans. 

We lined up the seven kids at home in order of birth. Isaac is over 6 ft. 3 inches tall. Daniel is growing fast, like an inch in the last two months! He is definitely in the middle of his massive growth spurt.

A few last things though. Lydia, as of today, has a job!  She interviewed for a receptionist position this morning and was offered the job. We are so happy! She is definitely feeling better than she was even two months ago. God is good and we are so thankful.

Another one of our books is coming out early next month. Kevin has been toiling away dealing with our narrator and getting files set up and all that. I am so grateful for him!

I am feeling pretty good now. In fact, great, though I still am not being super active in the very hot weather.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 I am like 95% now. Still occasionally feel a trifle short of breath, but so much better!

I have been doing more, too, which is great. I like being able to walk around the house, and talk, and fun stuff like that!

We had two birthdays in the last week. Angela is now 17 and Joseph is now 20. Wow, they are growing up!

I will try to get a picture of them together.  I was sick both days so wasn't taking a lot of pics.

Our green beans are going mad and I am so happy. I love green beans and bacon, so much!

The three younger kids started homeschooling last week. So far so good.

Whew, what else? I am writing a lot. Kevin's mom is in the area so we are spending time with her, which is wonderful.