Thursday, July 25, 2024
End of July

Monday, July 15, 2024
More Political Stuff
Friday, July 12, 2024
Mid July
Thursday, July 4, 2024
Political Stuff
So obviously a lot of weird things are happening politically.
I am not a hugely political person. That is to say that I have strong views about a variety of subjects, but I also know that I have no influence on the presidency so while I pray for our government, I don't spend a lot of time stressing about stuff that worries me. I have enough worries of my own with life and kids and all that.
From Matthew 6
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
I do not approve of most of President Biden's policies, and I think that he should step down now and make way for the Vice President. Of course it isn't that simple. Politics is super complex and there is posturing and this and that and the other. I do believe that the president is in the midst of major cognitive decline and is not well enough mentally to lead our country.
My own parents are actually almost exactly the president's age (within a few months) and they are literal globe trotters these days. Sharp as tacks. The age isn't necessarily the issue; the problem is that Biden seems to be suffering from dementia. Though I am guessing my parents would say they are slowing down physically compared to a decade ago.
I was doing some poking around online and I had forgotten this: Joe Biden has lived through some horrific tragedy in his life, and so has his family.
Hunter Biden, the president's second son, has been a mess for years: drug abuse, promiscuity, more drug abuse, gun charges, weird and doubtful business decisions, random illigitimate daughter. I hope he is off cocaine now. I guess he is?
I re read this a couple of days ago and it whacked me, figuratively, on the head.
In 1972, Hunter and Beau Biden, along with their little sister Naomi and their mother, were in a horrific car accident around Christmas time.
Naomi and their mother died.
Hunter and Beau were badly injured; the former had a brain injury, the latter broken bones.
Joe Biden was a Senator elect.
The incredible tragedy of this blows me away. These poor little boys, ages 3 and 4, mother and sister dead, father crazy busy, in the hospital for months.
It is weird to ME that Biden continued to pursue an ambitious political career. If it were me, I would settle down into something less busy and spend time with my two little boys. But as Kevin said, no one ever becomes presdident without being super ambitious.
Biden is also a war child. He grew up in a very different generation. He pushed forward. I would imagine that Hunter and Beau both battled some significant emotional challenges after the death of their mother and sister.
Hunter did, anyway.
And then Beau died young. It really is terribly sad.
Anyway, people are complicated. Joe Biden wants to keep being president when it seems like WOW, this man has worked hard for decades and he is old and why doesn't he want to just sit in the sun and enjoy retirement?
Why is Trump running again? I think Trump is healthier than Biden, but still, he is old too!
What makes old men DO that? Ambition, I guess? Genuine commitment to serve their country?
We will see what happens with the President. I think it would be best for the Democrats to shift to Kamala Harris. She is young and cognitively doing well.
But we will see!