Tuesday, June 21, 2011


We live in Ohio, where all homeschooled students must be assessed in one of three ways. The most common options are to have the child take a standardized test or to have the child's work (in the form of a portfolio) assessed by a certified Ohio State teacher.

 We've always gone the assessment route. I have no doubt our big girls would do great on a standardized test, but getting children to and from a testing facility for a few days is NOT trivial with 7 children, one of whom is a baby in need of nursing and naps at regular intervals.

  Last night I met with my assessor for this year.  We had not met before, but had a great time going through the children's work.  I was proud of what we accomplished this year.  It was a "crazy" year with a new baby and I wondered back in August how much progress we would make.  The answer was, a lot.  We had a good year.

Naomi made great progress in writing.  She is, I believe, naturally gifted.  Lydia came on in math.  Isaac's reading skills continued to improve rapidly this year.  We also identified his amblyopia, which will help in the long run with anything involving vision (and most schoolwork is partially dependent on vision.)  Joseph learned phonics and is reading a little. 

I had a good discussion with our assessor about our boys.  Both have BAD handwriting and I believe have some glitches. Both are mixed dominant in terms of their eye and hand dominance. 

  She agreed the midline exercises are a good idea, but also encouraged me that they are SO young. And they are.  Isaac may really come on with writing in the next few years just because he is maturing.  Lydia's handwriting improved a lot this year, I think because she got older and stronger.

  So, another year of homeschooling comes to an end.  I am thankful for God's guidance this year, His great love for us, His encouragement when I've felt I was failing my children.  I am thankful that homeschooling is legal and that we have the privilege of teaching them.  Thank you, Lord

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