Tuesday, June 5, 2012


The last 2 nights have gone quite well. Daniel needs to eat at night, of course, but he is going back to sleep quite well after each feeding. I am working to keep him up at least some during the day.  I change his diaper, give him baths, put him on the floor, etc.  His natural inclination is to sleep a lot, but I try to have him awake for at least some time after every 2nd feeding session.

He has also fallen asleep on his own a few times, which is major progress.  As I said in a previous post, I encourage our babies to learn to fall asleep without being rocked or nursed.

I think it is safe to say we've had 8 fairly "easy" babies. I've never had a baby with colic.  Yes, they usually have a cranky period in the evening, but none of that "cry for hours every day" thing has happened to us.

And oh, I am thankful!  It isn't any particular reflection on us and our parenting, just the grace of God. I was talking to one of our pastors at the hospital (he came to visit) and he said his eldest was very colicky. Every second night, he would be up most of the night walking her up and down.  He said he was so tired he would almost fall asleep while walking.

I suppose that kind of thing builds character.  3 nights ago, Daniel was up much of the night, as he just didn't want to sleep!  If I held him, he was happy, but he wasn't wanting to sleep. It was hard.  I only got 3 hours of sleep that night and it was difficult to be cheery and patient with life the next day. 

Of course, the Spirit will help us do what we must. Even with Daniel sleeping fairly well, I am really tired. I had a C-section with complications (the bladder problem) and my body needs time to heal. Kevin is, as usual, being a wonderful support. He keeps encouraging me to rest when I can, and I'm taking a couple of naps a day.

By the way, the catheter came out on Friday and I am doing great. All the plumbing is working properly. I have to chuckle a little...I didn't know to be grateful about a simple thing like using the bathroom normally until I was stuck with a catheter for over a week!  I am still feeling very happy and mobile without the catheter.

I pray often for patience and wisdom during these days to know what I should try to do and what I should leave for another day or week or month!

Ok, here are a few recent pictures...

We got a new stove. The old one kept having trouble with burners.  It looks so nice, for now anyway!

Lydia and Daniel

Sleepy boy...

Sarah LOVES spaghetti!

Sarah and Daniel.  Daniel does well in his seat but I have to keep a close eye on him. Sarah loves him, but can be unintentionally rough.


Lana said...

You are lucky. We had two screamers!, but four happy babies so that's something to be grateful for. Enjoy!

Sheila said...

Hi laraba,
I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am for you. It's lovely and awesome to see Sarah and Daniel. I wish I was as brave as you and to have kept trying maybe I gave up to easily? Or just don't have my faith in the right place?

either way I admire you for your faith and bravery and for your two lovely miracle blessings.

Your friend Sheila

Annie Kate said...

Oh, I haven't visited for a while. I just checked now to see if the baby had arrived.

And how beautiful he is! Congratulations and may the Lord bless you as you recover and take up the task of raising this little one to his glory.

Your Lydia looks so much like our Miss 9! They could be sisters.