Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Rosie Shoe

I hauled 5 girls off to Target on Monday, and bought shoes for 4 of them (Lydia came along for crowd control purposes.)

And I got Rose her first pair of shoes.

I'd like to say she took to them like a duck to water, but in actual fact, she was a bit bewildered at first. But it didn't take long, as you can see, for her to march around with them.  (And say HELLO to Lydia's braced finger, which photobombed us.)

Her shoes are cute, with polka dots.

And Rose likes them BEST when they are not on her feet.

She likes hauling them all over.  I keep finding them in strange rooms, in strange corners.

Tonight, one shoe is here:

In the bathroom, on the (clean) diaper changing mat.

I don't know where the other one is.

Stay tuned...for more adventures of Rosie's Shoe.


Sarah said...

I hate trying to control shoes! Our shoe tree is upstairs but once the children get in the house the shoes stay downstairs, wondering if I should move the shoe tree to the basement door? I hate tripping over shoes LOL or someone yelling they are missing a shoe.

Pam in Ohio said...

That heels for toddlers is insane! Must be for the children who are carried everywhere? I can't imagine a child not slipping in them? New shoes are fun, they look great on her. I hope you found the missing shoe! We have a new pair that got worn once and we are currently searching madly for it. But it's typical that one of my younger children have a pair lost most of the time. Where do shoes go to die?