Sunday, March 4, 2018

A Crazy Week

So after being sick off and on the week previous, I had a crazy week last week.

I went to the orthodontist 3 times with Joseph. THREE TIMES.  Things kept coming loose. It was weird.  We also took Isaac in. The ortho, whom we really like, strongly suggests that he have orthodontia because of an overbite and his teeth not lining up properly.

It's only money, right? 

And appointments.

I also had 4 dental appointments on Wednesday.  It was a crazy week with being gone and the house got kind of messy and out of order.

And then we sold the big van!  We got at least 10 inquiries about it, and sold it for a little more than $12,000 to a church in Michigan.  In the last couple of years, we've totally refurbished our car fleet. We should be good for awhile unless we buy another car for the big girls to drive. 

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