Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day!

Kevin and I are just back from a week long trip to St. Croix.  Kevin's mom and my parents helped watch the kids while we were gone.

I'll post details of the trip later but today I got to see the kids for the first time in more than a week.

And I realized again -- I always know this, but yeah, need the reminder -- that being a mother is a huge blessing. I am not perhaps a "natural mother" in the sense that I didn't gravitate to young children when I was an older teen and young adult.  I didn't even want to get married or have children until I was 26 :-). 

22 years later, I'm a mom to 9.  God has a huge sense of humor, I think!

So Happy Mother's Day to you moms out there. It is not an easy job, but most things in life aren't easy.  It is a noble job, a purposeful job.  Being single would have been purposeful as well, but the Lord had this plan for my life, that I would marry in my late 20's, give up my potentially high powered career, and serve as wife and mother to my family.

I could not be more blessed.

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