Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Tidying the Little Girls' Room

Our church had a giant rummage sale last week and our kids helped a lot.  We got a few things and one item was a cabinet for the little girls' room.

I was able to put all the books in the cabinet, which was a better setup than a big bin on the floor.  I did lots of organizing and putting away. The annoying thing was that as soon as I cleaned up one group of items, I would notice another group of items that stuck out in my vision.

I'm detail oriented and I see things that the kids don't see.  Sometimes that is good but other times it is frustrating because I will ignore some toy in a corner for days because I'm too lazy to pick it up, but it ticks me off every time I see it.  And the kids don't see it.  Or maybe they are too lazy also!

ANYWAY, when I was working on the girls' room I kept reminding myself that "any little thing is better than nothing."

I don't always have time for a major clean up but if I collect all the Zoobs and put them in a bin and put them away and that is ALL I do, it is better than nothing.

I truly think many people with disastrous houses are so overwhelmed that they don't even start.  It just seems like too big a job and they feel like a little dent in the mess isn't worth the trouble.

But reality is, most houses will degenerate into disaster status if they are left to entropy for too long. So I keep plugging away. The kids keep plugging away.  And while the house is sometimes kind of messy and the bedrooms are often really messy, we can get them in order in an hour or so.  That's not too bad considering how many people we have! 

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