Thursday, January 23, 2020

Do the Next Thing...

The last couple of weeks have been busy, especially with medical appointments.  Isaac and Miriam had their yearly well person checkups.  (It seems silly for Isaac, especially, to call his checkup a well child. He is a giant.)

Two kids had orthodontic appointments.

Today I have to run Isaac to the eye doctor.

And then, life is busy.  The big kids are running around working and going to college.  I'm teaching the next 5 kids and dealing with 3 littles who quarrel sometimes, play nicely other times.

I have been tired.

When I'm tired, it is sometimes difficult to figure out what to do next at home. There are a million things I could do and sometimes I am tempted to just collapse as I try to figure out what to do next.  My rule in those moments is, do the next thing.

If a room is a disaster, work on tidying it.  I may not have time or energy or inclination to clean it all, but every little bit helps.

Every little bit helps. It really does.  If there is a disaster somewhere and I take 60 seconds to work on it, that is better than ignoring it.

Do the next thing...

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