Sunday, March 2, 2025

Trip to Michigan

 I am not a big traveler, and rarely am away from home overnight. Kevin and I go to St. Croix once a year and sometimes we visit my parents. Other than that, I am here. As time has gone by, I have been less inclined to go somewhere and I think it is because for so many years, we have had our beloved Horde to deal with and packing for the Horde, or making sure the Horde is fine while we leave, is a lot of work.

So anyway, yesterday and today I made a quick trip to Michigan alone to visit a friend. She and I were in college together and I truly adore her and very sadly, she is in hospice care with cancer. 

I visited her at her parents' house and we were able to reminisce and say good-bye. She is a Christian and very ready to see Jesus. It was wonderful seeing her, but very sad too of course.

Last night I stopped in Ann Arbor and spent the evening and night with old friends, and this morning I attended the church that I attended when I was at the University of Michigan. The pastor of that church presided over our wedding. I attended the very first Sunday service of this church and I think there were ten people there that day. This was more than 30 years ago.

We haven't been back in more than a decade and today was amazing. The church is huge. Like four hundred people maybe? It was awesome.

Then I drove home. I am tired and sad about my dear friend, but grateful I was able to see her and that I made it there and back safely. I am not used to driving so much but everything went fine.

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