Friday, August 10, 2012


  Our big boys have been in Michigan this week, visiting my parents.  They have had a great time. Today I meet my parents halfway and get them back.  The house has been surprisingly quiet with 5 girls and one small boy, but I miss them and am glad they are coming home today.

  I took Daniel to a physical therapy consult yesterday. He has torticollis, which means ... well, you can look it up if you want details. The crux of the matter is that he preferably turns his head one way and his muscles are slightly out of whack in his neck.  A very nice physical therapist showed me some exercises to do with him daily.  She said his case isn't severe and that therapy should resolve the problem.   She was actually very impressed with his head control and how easily he can turn his head the "non preferred" direction. We've been working on it the last couple of weeks and perhaps that helped.

 After several weeks of multiple appointments, I think we are done with all things medical until the end of August when 2 more kids have dental appointments.  Oh, and I need to schedule an orthodontics consult for Naomi.  But that won't be 'til later.

  Kevin is in the midst of a major computer upgrade. He is super experienced with computers and does amazing things with them, things that are totally over my head.  Our "big computer", which is the main one in our family room, is very much a work in progress.  Right now, there is no obvious way to download the pictures off of our camera into the computer.   So no pictures today!

  My mental health state has not been the greatest the last couple of days though today is better.  I am by  nature quite a serious person, and I am prone to depression on occasion.  I am much improved from my teens and 20's, when I had fairly prolonged depressive episodes.  So I'm thankful that usually I feel joyful about life.  It is encouraging to me that being sad and even depressed isn't totally weird...the Psalms show that David sometimes battled depression and discouragement and sadness and anger at the difficulties of life.

  May God bless us with His strength and wisdom to walk the hard road of life.


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