Sunday, March 24, 2013

Busy Week

It was a busy week!

I am someone who thrives on routine, and we were out of routine this week, so I found it a bit stressful.

I decided that we needed a week to organize our lives and run some errands, so the kids had a week "off" from school.  By that, I mean that we didn't do our formal schoolwork.  The children watched many educational videos, read many books, and Naomi and Lydia wrote a lot in their current stories/novels. 

So, what did we do this week?

Well, one day I ran off to a Boy Scout store in a nearby town to get our older girls their American Heritage Girls outfits and books.  AHG is a scouting organization for girls, something like the Girl Scouts.  But the Girl Scouts are straying firmly into liberal territory, and AHG is Christ centered and conservative, perfect for families like ours.  Our girls joined a new troop a couple of months ago.  So far, it has been a great experience though I've felt like I was wandering in the fog without quite knowing what we are supposed to be doing.  The leaders are very patient with me and us.  Now that we have the official AHG book, we're figuring out what to do.  Naomi is thinking about badges she wants to earn, and we'll work with the younger girls to determine which badges they should pursue as well.

Thursday afternoon was our monthly homeschool skating event.

  The place where we meet has been around since Kevin was a child.  It has a very dated feel to it, in a charming way. We had a great time, though Sarah stressed me out a bit as she kept wandering off.  It is a splendid place for a large family because there is only one main exit, but she still managed to alarm me a couple of times.  One time, Isaac found her in the men's bathroom!

  Wednesday, I started feeling sick. I made it through work and felt pretty well Thursday afternoon (so we were able to go to the PEACH Skate) and then I started feeling badly again on Thursday evening.  I'm still not perfect but I'm up and down and not too sick.  It is just a tiresome cold with some congestion, fatigue, and achiness.

  In the middle of all this busyness, I was sorting through clothes and shoes to figure out what we do and don't have.  Last night, Kevin and I made a run to our favorite children's thrift store and bought a bunch of items for our kids.  There are still a few things we need (shoes, especially) but we're in pretty good shape otherwise.

 Daniel learned to crawl well this week, so we've been scurrying around babyproofing the place.

  And today is supposed to bring a humdinger of a winter storm.  Really?  In late March?  That just doesn't seem right!  The weather people don't always know what they are talking about, so we'll see.

1 comment:

Martin LaBar said...

I'm sorry, but this comment doesn't have much to do with home-schooling.

Thanks so much for your encouraging comment on my blog!