But we heard about Duck Dynasty, a reality series about a family of Louisiana millionaires who run a business selling duck calls and other paraphernalia. After a LONG wait, I got the first DVD disk from the library.
And honestly, it is hysterically funny. There is no way it is completely unstaged because truly ridiculous things happen, but it is FUN. Furthermore, while there is some good natured joshing, insulting, and grumbling, the family members obviously love one another. Each episode ends with everyone gathered around the table of the patriarch and matriarch, and the patriarch prays to the Lord thanking him for the day. The CEO of the corporation then does a voice over talking about the blessing of a good family.
The patriarch is a stitch, a total stitch. He specializes in down home advice about marriage and family. One of the earliest scenes has him butchering and cleaning a host of bullfrogs for dinner while he tells his teen grandson what to look for in a marriage partner. One of the things he says is that you gotta find a woman who can cook, because you can't live on love for 50 years of a marriage.
I had to laugh at that, because honestly, I couldn't cook well when Kevin and I got married. I grew up with a mother who cooks amazingly, but for some reason I never learned. Maybe it was that she was so good that I didn't want to bother. We joke that I lived on corn and bread during graduate school and actually...that often WAS dinner though I did make chili and spaghetti for lunches.
When we got married, Kevin did most of the cooking but I started to learn some of the basics. When we moved down to Ohio after Kevin finished graduate school, I became a stay at home wife (and mother when Naomi was born) so I needed to learn how to cook. And I did. I'm quite a good cook now. It just took awhile.
We are determined to teach our kids how to cook before they leave the house. Naomi and Lydia usually cook one dinner a week. Below is a vat of chili that Lydia cooked up on Tuesday. It was very good.
Regarding Duck Dynasty, I think most people would enjoy it so long as they don't take the family members' statements TOO seriously. They say some ridiculous things in a "this is the gospel truth" tone, and their statements certainly aren't applicable to all people at all times in all places. Speaking of gospel truth, I do appreciate that the family members are Christians and obviously love one another. There are a few mildly crude discussions at times (like when they were making a giant duck call for the Guiness Book of World Records and the initial attempts sounded more like passing gas than calling a duck) but all in all it is a very clean show.
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