Thursday, February 20, 2014

Random Thoughts on a Thursday

A few short days ago, this was the view out from our porch.  Snow, snow, and more snow. It was beautiful. It sparkled.  It glittered.  It reflected the light.  It was cold.

 And then it warmed up.  And we got some rain.  This is RIGHT is 60 degrees!  And the snow has been melting busily.  2 of our kids are enjoying their last time on a snow pile next to our driveway.

Changing the subject entirely, I finally found a homemade playdough recipe that I really like.  I've made several colors of playdough and our younger kids love it.  The only expensive ingredient is cream of tartar.  I think it is cheaper than the storebought kind, and I actually like it better.  I admit that one of the pleasures of the last week has been kneading the playdough after its been mixed up. It is nice and warm from the boiling water added to the flour, salt, cream of tartar, and oil.  Ah, feels nice...

Daniel is a such a sweet little imp.  It amazes me how much a child grows in one short age 8 months, he was rolling but not crawling. Now he climbs on everything and is incredibly busy.

I am not a pack rat.  Nevertheless, we've lived in our current hours for 8+ years, and inevitably there are objects in our home that we no longer need. And with 10, going on 11, members in the house hold -- we need all the space we can get.

A particular trouble spot is our so called "secret room". It's not really secret, but we like to give our rooms names and often they aren't applicable. (As a fine example, we have a room with 2 computers in it that we call the "breakfast room" -- the only time anyone eats breakfast in that room is when he or she has been banished from our dining room table for causing problems.)  Anyway, I'm aware the secret room needs decluttering and organizing, but its a huge job to do it all, and I'm tired.  But it occurred to me a few days ago that I could at least tackle a box at a time.  So today I dragged out 3 boxes with VHS tapes.  Yep, VHS.  Pathetic.  I looked through and decided that almost all the VHS tapes can go from 2 of the boxes. 

But wait, what about THIS box?  This, my dear friends, houses our collection of old Doctor Who VHS tapes.  I really prefer DVDs to VHS, but Tom Baker Doctor Who DVD's are expensive.  So we're keeping these VHS tapes.  We love these VHS tapes.  We relish these tapes.

The only other vaguely unusual thing we've been doing this week is watching the Olympics.  I've been recording the Olympics on primetime NBC on our DVR, and we watch them sporadically, when we have time. This way we can fast forward through all the commercials and most of the human interest stories.

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