Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Little Sick...

So I have a cold.  I think I have a decent immune system as I don't get sick all that often, and I'm feeling a tad grumpy about this cold but...it isn't anything too terrible. I just need to wait it out.

Headache, sore throat, congestion, nosebleeds...ah well, life happens.

I am taking things very easily. Kevin very graciously took time off from work yesterday to run our 2 youngest children to an eye doctor appointment. Both Sarah and Daniel are far sighted and in glasses.  Sarah's eyes, in particular, are very bad.  Without her glasses, she crosses her eyes trying to focus.  So we thought it important to have her eyes checked now instead of waiting a few months 'til after the baby is born.  The results were encouraging. She isn't showing any signs of amblyopia (which is a possibility because one eye is worse than the other and she has an astigmatism.)  Both of the children are seeing quite well with glasses, praise the Lord.  Kevin picked out new frames for their new glasses and I'll post a pic after they come in.

I went to an OB appointment yesterday. Everything looks good.  I am so thankful I've never had blood pressure issues. My blood sugars have been decent -- maybe a tad higher now that I am sick, but decent.  I'm doing fine.

I weighed 168 lbs. yesterday, so have gained about 33 lbs already. Usually I plateau at around 36 weeks and I'm 35 weeks, so I probably won't quite hit 170.  Kevin and I joke that I try to catch up with him during pregnancy and never quite make it.  He is around 175 lbs.

I pegged out at 173 lbs with Daniel, and he was our biggest baby. I'm not expecting Little Girl to be over 7 lb, but I hope she is at least 6 lb. Naomi and Angela were under 6 lb.

I have less than a month before I'm supposed to have this baby.  Wow.  Well, yes, it'll be less than a month.  In some ways, that is hard to believe. I hope to make it at least 38 weeks and at 39 weeks, we'll have the planned C-section.

Lots of people have said, "Wow, this pregnancy went fast!" and you know, it did! 

I am really looking forward to meeting our sweet girl face to face. I'm also stressed about the post partum period, when I won't be able to lift anyone but the baby and when I will be recovering from fairly major surgery. I am SO thankful for big kids who can help a lot, but I'm a "doer" and it isn't easy for me to step back. I've already had to depend a lot on Kevin and the big kids. Kevin has been doing all the grocery shopping and the vast majority of the errands.  The kids are doing most of the housework these days.  I am sort of the brains behind housework in that I direct my troops.  I guess I'm the General. But my nature is to be in the trenches helping more.  But the baby needs me to be resting and taking care of me and her, and I am.

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