So I'm sick.
Sick is interesting when one is a mom of 9.
I'm medium level sick. I'd say I'm ill enough that I am running at about 75% capacity, up from 65% capacity yesterday. I have a headache and my stomach is upset, but the biggest issue is a severely aching right hip.
Which was MUCH worse yesterday, so I'm on the upswing. Yesterday, it hurt a lot to climb stairs. Guess what, I climb a lot of stairs on an average day.
I have, occasionally, gotten so sick I couldn't function. That is bad, very bad, but at least I don't have to struggle mentally with what to do. The occasions when I was really sick revolved around stomach bugs (which by God's grace, always passed within a few hours) and then there was the hideous Swine Flu attack of 2009, which put me in bed for 3 weeks.
But when I'm sick like THIS, it is a struggle to know what to do and what can just wait 'til another day. Little kids always need care, of course. I am super blessed that NOW I have big girls who can care for the little ones if I'm down for the count. And, I cleverly chose a Saturday to be at my worst, so Kevin was around too.
But really, there is never an end to the work around here, so it is hard for me to rest when I see just one more thing that I COULD force myself to do. Part of being a mother is forcing oneself to push through morning sickness and fatigue, so I'm used to that. But now, when resting might help me recover more quickly -- well, it seems sensible to rest.
So I am. Kevin and Naomi have covered most of the meals this weekend. I took naps yesterday and today.
I hope by tomorrow I can launch into a busy week at...85% capacity, at least.
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