Friday, June 24, 2016

Rose Took a Spill

   Given how much Miss Squeak LOVES to climb, it is probably surprising it took her 'til age 2 to take a bad fall.  She fell off the computer chair yesterday at 5 p.m., and cut her right eyebrow open.  I picked her up and was shocked at the blood, and after a careful inspection realized she'd need stitches.  So off we went to the local children's ER.  We walked in right behind a boy in a wheelchair who had a bad laceration on the back of his head. The admitting nurse said they have only 2 rooms set up for stitching lacerations, and both were full. So yeah, it was going to be a while. They checked her out right away to make sure it wasn't an emergency or a concussion, and then we spent 2 hours in the waiting room.  All in all, it went fine.  Rose was exhausted and almost frantic in her desire to explore and climb, but we managed.  There were a lot of people with babies coming in; I'm guessing because little babies are supposed to be checked if they have fevers. I don't know.  Lots of babies.

  They finally got us back, then we had a wrestling match while a nurse applied a numbing cream to the cut.  Another 20 minutes, and 3 professionals marched in. They wrapped her in a sheet and then put her in a velcro strait jacket of sorts. I was so glad we went to a Children's ER because they are set up to keep upset toddlers still.  Of course she hated the entire procedure, but she couldn't flail her arms and legs around.  10 quick stitches later, and she was unwrapped and in my arms.  We got home at 9:30 p.m.

  Stitches come out in a week or so.  I need to watch it for infection and keep it clean, which she doesn't appreciate. But all in all, it went as well as could be expected.

1 comment:

Sarah Heywood said...

Wow - 10 stitches is a lot. My older boys seemed to be in the ER a lot as toddlers. I always hated when they had to use the papoose board for them - but it's kind of necessary.