Saturday, March 30, 2019

Thoughts on the Big Picture

It is so easy for me to get caught up in the little minutiae of daily life, to get frustrated with the struggles and frustrations of lots of kids and limited time and energy.

And then something hits me upside the head, hard.

Many years ago, a lovely lady watched our children while I was at work -- at that time, I worked two mornings a week.

One of her children was born with major handicaps. He never progressed beyond about a 10 month old in terms of his development. He couldn't walk, or talk.

But he is so loved by his extended family.  He is such a wonderful man, now in his mid 20's.

And he is dying as I write this.  He's been sick for a month and sinking and sinking and now he is about to meet our Savior.

I believe he is saved because he is like a small child mentally, and how God loves babies and little children.

His parents, oh -- how I suffer for them.  I can't even imagine the sorrow. They've been through so much with their son through the years and he's always fought through but this time it is too much for his body.

Good-bye, sweet boy.  We'll see you in heaven.

And I thank you, Lord Jesus, for my 9 healthy children on earth. And I thank you, Lord Jesus, that you do love the little children and those babies who never survived my womb are waiting for us in Glory.

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