Monday, March 23, 2020

Coronavirus Quarantine

Most of us have been home all week. Kevin makes occasional forays out to the stores.  We aren't losing our minds. Actually, though this is a terrible thing (the coronavirus), we are so far enjoying it.  Or I am, anyway.

I love being home. The last few weeks before everything locked down, I was running around a lot.  It was tiring.  When I am gone a lot, it is hard to stay on top of things at home. 

Of course I wish this wasn't happening.  I'm just trying to find silver linings.

Most of the cloud is dark, though. So many people sick.  I mean, most people get it and recover without too much trouble, but those hit with pneumonia from the coronavirus are getting hit hard, poor souls.

Yesterday, the governor of Ohio ordered all non essential businesses to close, so Naomi is off work for the next few weeks.  Thankfully, she is not dependent on her paycheck for survival but lots of people aren't so fortunate. 

I am praying for the world, for our country, for our LEADERS.  Hard decisions are having to be made.  Realistically, some people are really going to suffer financially. They are going to lose businesses and struggle to pay for basic necessities.  I am glad I don't have to make these hard calls on what to close, what kind of government assistance to provide, and so on.

Obviously if coronavirus spreads unchecked and tens of thousands of people die, that would be terrible.  I think the quarantining has to happen, it is just that it isn't easy for most people.

Oh, we did have one minor hiccup in our house.  The central heating is out.  We had a power blip a few days ago and Kevin thinks it knocked out our house fan. The heat pump is still working but the fan won't send the heat anywhere, so yes...

We have space heaters and the weather isn't too bitter, so we'll be fine.  Amazon is so overwhelmed that it apparently isn't providing overnight shipping anymore, which is totally understandable. So a necessary part for the fan will be here, we hope, on Thursday.  Until then, electric blankets and space heaters will keep us warm.

Lord, please bless the medical staff of hospitals across the world.

Lord, please give wisdom to the leaders making hard decisions.

Lord, please bless people who are sick.  Please bring them to healing.



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