Saturday, July 25, 2020

I do not have coronavirus!

There's a great title, huh?

I did get tested.  I got sick on Monday and had a bunch of symptoms, including shortness of breath. No fever, but I don't get fevers easily.  In an ordinary year, I would have just waited it out but because this is 2020, I went to the doctor and got tested for COVID-19.

They called yesterday and the test was negative. Hooray!

I am feeling better, too. Still tired, but not so drained.  For a couple of days, I felt like a cooked spaghetti noodle.  A limp spaghetti noodle with no energy.

I was kind of nervous.  I'm 50 but people get really sick from coronavirus at my age.  Some die.

I love Jesus so much and I am absolutely sure about my salvation because I know my sins are paid by the blood of Christ on the cross.  So death is not, in itself, scary except that it is because I have a husband and nine young children.  I mean even Naomi is only 20! 

I pray that God will allow me to live a good long life so I can raise the children to adulthood.

Today I feel better than yesterday, which was better than the day before.  So praise God, I'm on the mend.

And I don't have coronavirus.

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