Monday, February 15, 2021

The Enigmatic Mr. Collins

 The is the title of my last book.  Yes, it is an odd title.

It is the first time I published a sequel, as it is a follow up to my previous book, A Fortuitous Fall.

It was so much fun to write. The basic idea in A Fortuitous Fall is that Mr. Collins, who is a bumbling idiot in the original Pride and Prejudice, takes a hard fall in MY book and wakes up a genius.  

The Enigmatic Mr. Collins takes place after Darcy and Elizabeth are married, and combines more romance (for other side characters) with a bunch of fun science of the early 1800's.

It has been, compared to my other books, rather a flop, which is to say it hasn't sold well.  People who read it like it (currently sitting at 4.8 out of 5 in the ratings, which is great!) but it is a strange book and obviously a lot of people don't want to read it.

That is, truthfully, fine.  I enjoyed writing it so much as it is light and fun, and gave me an excuse to study up a bit on ballooning and locomotives and steam engines in the early 1800's.

It is also a reminder that in general, I have been quite successful as a new author. My other books did so well that I was thinking, hmmm, maybe it isn't that hard to make quite a bit of money!  The truth is apparently that if I wander off script, it is hard to find readers.  Off script being away from Darcy and Elizabeth falling in love!  My latest story, which is more than halfway done, is focused on Darcy and Elizabeth so will probably do better.

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