Sunday, September 5, 2021



It does not take much imagination to realize that some 7 years ago, life in our house was pretty crazy.  I had 8 children ages 15 and under, two of them ages 2 and 3, and I was pregnant with Rose.  I was super busy. Life was kind of chaotic. There was a fair amount of fighting between the kids because...siblings fight.

Fast forward to today.  We are still pretty busy though we only have seven under our roof now, and the youngest is 7.

One thing I hoped for, but wasn't confident of, was that our kids would be good friends. That has, by the grace of God, happened.  Here is a picture of our current teenagers marching up and down the driveway together (which they did for a full hour) discussing computer games and presumably other random topics.

I love that my kids are so tight!  I felt badly sometimes that I was stretched so thin when I had so many littles, but they have had each other for all those years, and with age and maturity has come deep friendship, which is awesome.

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