Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Joint Interests with the Kids

 One of the oddball things about having SO many children is how they have different interests and I keep having fun when I connect with one of them about something.

The big boys are watching lots of movies now; they are 18 and 19 and mature enough for some heavier stuff.  So far they seem to like the same movies that I like, which is fun.  I am super picky about movies.  I am annoyingly picky about movies. I dislike 10 movies for every one I love. So yeah.

I hope for their sake they aren't quite as picky, but it is fun saying, Hey, how about THAT movie and they watch it and like it.  That has been happening a lot.

A week ago or so Miriam told me she was watching a youtube episode about a scientist who tried to fake finding a high atomic number element. I thought that sounded interesting so, with her help, looked it up and watched it all.  The man making the program calls himself BobbyBroccoli for some reason.

It. Was. Awesome!

That's the link, if you care.  It was sciency, but it was also psychological, and historical and WOW!  So so so cool!

BobbyBroccoli also made an elaborate program about a man named Schon who almost won a Nobel Prize on totally faked research!!!!!!!!

Like, recently!  20 years ago!!  WOW!!!!!!!

BobbiBroccoli has a great narrator voice and his images explaining the science are awesome.

It was so fun geeking out, and especially geeking out with Miriam!  I learned quite a bit about nuclear reactions. You would think I would know all that but honestly, I don't; as a materials scientist, I know more than most about the nucleus of atoms, but I know a LOT about electrons and bonding. That's my jam.

Anyway, I have lots in common with the kids, and lots of differences.  I am not an artist, unlike the six girls, but they can, at least, talk to each other!

I can talk about introversion and cats with Naomi, kids and cats and hair dye with Lydia, movies with the boys, and so on and so forth.

It is a blessing!

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