Sunday, March 3, 2024


 Weather has been lovely today. Yesterday it was pretty nice too. Spring is sort of here, though I know from experience that we will still have some very cold days. Probably. It was a mild winter.

This isn't a great picture as it was taken through a window but the grass is getting green. Today it is mid 60's and feels fabulous.

Kevin kindly bought me some interesting wooden puzzles. The edges are not lines so it is easier to put them together from the inside out, which is weird and interesting and fun.

Kevin and I have a running argument (a jocular one) over whether we have enough blankets. He buys new ones for the children every single Christmas. It is a tradition. I claim we have enough blankets. He says you can't have too many.

Well, last week I pulled 13 or 14 blankets off of Rose's bed and carried them downstairs, and then ordered her to pick her 5 favorite and put them on her bed. She decided that a blanket pile was fun so she ran around the house collecting more blankets.

I am of the view that we have more blankets than we need.  Kevin is still of the view that more is always better :-).

In less amusing news, Lydia has COVID. She was sick all last week and came to visit yesterday. She was lying around and we were chatting and a few hours into her visit she mentioned that everything tasted funny.

I was like hmmmmm, maybe you have COVID!

And she said no, she never has COVID. She has never tested positive for COVID in 4 years and she works in a day care so maybe she is immune but no, not COVID.

So I tested her and the second line showed up very promptly. Poor thing!

She is doing Ok with it but she is prone to asthma so she is being careful. She is also taking next week off of work. 

It was a very busy week here. Miriam passed her driving test!  Hooray!  She can now drive herself to work!

She and Joseph had some interviews, and Isaac has some summer interviews this coming week.

My current book is an octupus. By that I mean there are many plot arms and I am working hard to make it so they converge at the end in a sensible way.

So yes, busy week, we are fine, except Lydia is not. Also we have been exposed to COVID again. We had it over Christmas (Lydia did not) so I hope we won't get it again so quickly.

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