Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Early April

 The weather winkies are forecasting horrible storm this afternoon. We will see! At the moment, it is sunny and benign but the weather people are super excited.

We had some more exciting news on the job front. Joseph had an interview yesterday and it LOOKS like he'll be getting a Computer Security job, actually at the same place that already hired Miriam!  So that is wonderful. Of course, until he has the offer in his hot little electronic hand we won't 100% rejoice but we are 90% rejoicing.

Daniel is the only one of our 9 children who is at all on the hefty side. I have been reading about obesity and watching 600 lb life shows, not because I am worried about him, but because I am interested in human behavior.

 Daniel is a very healthy weight. Indeed, given how his older brothers grew incredibly fast during puberty and are on the edge of "too thin", I am happy he has some weight on him! He has started to grow quickly over the last six months and the coming year will be exciting. He is currently 5 feet exactly and in the next year I am guessing he will grow another 4 to 6 inches because that is what his brothers did at this age.

Well, this is a short blog post but there is a lot going on around me so I should sign off.

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