Saturday, October 29, 2011


I remember my Saturdays when I was a young child.  My memories go back to about age 6.  I would get up early, like 6:30 a.m.  I would go into the kitchen and get a bowl of cereal. I would go in the basement and turn on the TV and watch cartoons for about 6 hours straight.

Well, let me say that watching cartoons for 6 hours straight is not a good way to spend one's time.  My parents were diligent in many ways but let us watch a lot of TV.  I am guessing they liked me (and my brothers) watching cartoons as that gave them time to get stuff done around the house.  I can relate to that.

 We rarely let our children watch anything on TV "live".  I DVR "The Magic Schoolbus" every Saturday morning, and we watch the occasional sporting event with our children. 

  Ok, back to the theme of the blog...I must admit to a little bit of longing for those childhood Saturdays, not because I want to watch cartoons but because life was obviously mellow and full of extra time when I was a child. And that is as it should be.

  But wow, Saturday is CRAZY now.  Saturday is the day when Kevin and I are both around so one of us can easily run off to do errands.  Saturday is the day I am frantically finishing all the grading from last week, and preparing the children's work for next week. Saturday is the day we change all the sheets on the beds. Saturday is the day I try to do some extra cooking and cleaning.  Saturday is the day when we're out of routine, and the children notice it. :-).

  Oh, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday!

1 comment:

Annie Kate said...

Oh, I can identify with that! :)

Slowly, over the years, we've come to have a more peaceful Saturday routine. Part of it is due to each of the children having a list of Saturday housecleaning jobs, and part of it is that I try to take the day off from homeschool tasks. If I work too hard on Saturday, Sundays are no good....


Annie Kate