Sunday, January 13, 2013

More Pics

Another cute picture of Daniel!
Ok, awesome, I have figured out how to do more than one picture. This is... Isaac standing on his head! He just up and did this one day, for fun. I love it! I love also that he is sensible and used a pillow :-).
This is one of those classic science experiments that takes almost no time. These are polymeric cubes that absorb water to an incredible extent. The bag holds the dehydrated crystals, the bowl holds the hydrated ones. Each cube has expanded at least 25X its initial size. Joseph loves science experiments and I'm working hard to provide more hands on science for him.
Naomi put together a Blinky Bug for Angela. Angela got Blinky Bugs (by request) for her birthday, though putting them together requires finer motor skills than Angela has right now. Blinky Bugs are electronic creations that use wires and batteries and fuzzies to create a bug that blinks. It was a huge struggle to get one to sort of work, because the metallic tape didn't stick properly. I don't seem to have a picture of the finished project, unfortunately.
Our chickens are SO happy to be outside! We had a snowy couple of weeks, but the last few days have been very warm -- into the 60's! Kevin let the chickens out and they are overjoyed.

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