Tuesday, April 30, 2019

St. Croix

And we are back!

We had a lovely time, again, in St. Croix. We've gone there three years running and oh my, it hasn't gotten old yet! We stay at Cottages by the Sea, a family owned property with little cottages complete with kitchens and, in our case, an ocean view. Which we pay for, but it is worth it.

There is truly an embarrassment of riches where pictures are concerned.  One day, Kevin took 1000+ pictures.  ONE DAY. I know that sounds crazy but he was underwater and snorkeling and he has found that taking multiple pictures in a burst is a great idea when sea creatures are concerned.  These pics are not underwater -- I will show some of those later.  He got some GREAT pics!

We visited, briefly, an eco lodge.  This is not actually used by anyone to sleep under, but is presumably an example of  the kind of structure used in the past. I look huge in it.  It was not very tall.

Kevin.  Ocean. Happiness.

Since St. Croix is tropical, there are many feral chickens.  This one has 3 little chicks she is mothering.  She and the chicks just wandered into a restaurant in Frederiksted, the town we were staying near.  I thought that was hilarious and cute.

Sunset off our porch.  Wow.

I just love wet sand between my toes!

Things didn't go really really smoothly at home, though everyone survived.  Kevin's mother kindly stayed with the children and did a great job, but she got very tired.  The older two girls are in the throes of final projects and exams so it wasn't a great time for us to run off.  We booked the cottage a year ago without really thinking about college issues AT ALL. The Crow's Nest, where we stayed, is delightful and often booked way out in advance.

It was a great thing for us to get away together to a relaxing place.  We work hard in life and sometimes I get weary.  I feel renewed in energy now, and Kevin and I had many lovely hours together.

I was really glad to get home though. I adore my kids and missed them.

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