Saturday, October 16, 2021

Bad Week for Anxiety

 This was truthfully a really rough week for me anxiety wise.  Part of it was self inflicted. Most of it was self inflicted?  I was finishing edits on the book, which is my least favorite part of the process.  I was still working away on some household projects (like cleaning the porch).  And then we were also doing school this week.  Oh, and I had 3 appointments outside of home Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday!

Tuesday's was a lot of fun; Lydia and I went out to lunch. That was great!

Wednesday I took Joseph in for his well check appointment.  He is 17, 6 ft, and weighs, I am serious about this, weighs 106 lbs.

So yeah.  The doc checked him out carefully and he is totally healthy, just very skinny.  Isaac was the same way but has put on some weight this year. So now Isaac is 6 ft. almost 3 inches tall, 137 lbs.  Which is still very thin!

Thursday I took two kids to the orthodontist.

Did I talk about the edits?  Ergh.  Entering edits into the computer requires a lot of concentration and I was getting interrupted so often.

Oh, and Kevin's job has been super busy lately.  He works from home and I have to keep the kids quiet sometimes which is not too hard since they aren't babies and toddlers anymore, but still.  He has been rather stressed too.

Anyway, my anxiety was through the roof this week.  For me, again, to reiterate from a few blog posts ago, it is not that I am worried about something bad happening. It is more that I look around and everything out of place catches my eye, and my brain is flitting through all that needs to be done.  It is no fun.

A few weeks ago I was really anxious and upped my Lexapro dosage and felt better.  Then this last week I dropped it down to normal levels and got worse again. So I think I need to move up to 15 mg from 10 mg of Lexapro.

It is very uncomfortable and it makes me an agitated wife and mother, which Kevin and the kids don't need.

 I still get lots done when I am not so anxious. I am able to see something that needs to be finished and think, Ok, yes, I need to do that, but I will get to that later.  It doesn't make me feel overwhelmed.

I am very thankful for the meds because they do help me. 

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