Friday, October 8, 2021

Hot Tub

 Kevin loves hot tubs.

I like hot tubs.

Over the years, we've thought about acquiring a hot tub. But truthfully, the thought of dealing with it was stressful, PLUS we had little kids for so many years. I didn't really want a hot tub when we had kids who could not swim.

Also, they are expensive.

So now we have more money because we are old and crusty (kind of.)

Also, all our children swim.  Also, Sam's had a small hot tub that was "only" $2200.  So we ordered one in September.  We were informed that it would take 2 months to get it.

A week or two after the order, we rescued the kittens.  We were unsure what to do with the hot tub because they would need to share a space in the sun room, but we figured we had time to sort it out.

Wednesday we got an early phone call informing us that the hot tub was 15 minutes from our house. No prior warning.

Ha!  So much for plenty of time to think about where to put the hot tub!

We put it in the sun room as planned, and created a barrier with tables.  For now, that is keeping the kittens away from the hot tub.  They are still pretty small.

So far it is a huge hit. It is also, not surprisingly, work because the chemicals need to be balanced properly.

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