Sunday, June 5, 2022


 I am finally 99% recovered from being sick. Whew!

The big boys started a job this last week; they are working three days a week at a local college. Mostly, so far, they have been moving furniture around in dorm rooms.  I think that they will paint the walls, or someone will paint the walls, and they will replace the carpet, or someone else will replace the carpet...

Isaac and Joseph are excellent friends so them working together is really nice.  So far they like the job quite well.

They could work five days a week BUT they both have a college class this summer and I don't want to overextend them.  Isaac is taking Calculus 3 and Joseph is taking some introductory computer class.

I am making good progress on my latest Pride and Prejudice novel, which is good. I spent a few weeks writing some short stories so that distracted me from the novel.  However, now I'm back in the groove, more or less.

We opened the pool this last week. It is still too cold for me but the younger children are cavorting with great enjoyment.

And now I am going to take a nap because I am tired.  I plan to post some pictures soon.

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