Thursday, November 3, 2022

This Week

 Last Friday night, I took our four girls still at home to a Women's Event at church.  Monday night, I took the younger six kids to church to participate in our church's Trick or Treat event.  The younger three enjoyed getting candy and playing games, and Joseph, Miriam, Angela, and I handed out candy. This was all happening in our big fellowship hall and it was a big hit in the community, especially because the night was rainy so trick or treating outside was not as fun as it could have been.

Miriam has been working at Burger King for a couple of months now. She really likes it. She doesn't drive yet so I have to drop her off and pick her up. Not a big deal at all, but it does mean the days she works (usually four days a week for 4 hours a day) I have to make a couple of round trips to Burger King.

All of this is to say I've been running around quite a bit. I find it very fatiguing to be away from home a lot.  Many people thrive on being away from home.  It is a personality thing, for sure!

I also find that as I age, I dislike driving at night more and more.  My eyesight is good but my night vision has deteriorated somewhat.  I am still an entirely safe driver, but I just don't enjoy night driving.

So all this is to say that I am a little tired now.  Yesterday I mostly stayed home though I did take the three youngest ones to the library.  Did you see how I called them "the youngest ones"?  I used to call them "the three little ones" but Sarah is no longer little.  She is, in fact, over 5 ft 6 inches tall.  She is not yet 12 years old!  I think she'll be my tallest daughter unless Rose sprouts a lot in a few years!

Our new book, "The Peacocks of Pemberley" is doing very well on Amazon. It is my longest book yet which means we make more money per book when people read it using Kindle Unlimited.  We get paid by page reads, you see.  It has been well received which is always a relief. By the time I am done with a story, I am totally sick of it and inclined to view it with weary irritation, so it is a relief that it IS a good book and people like it!

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