Tuesday, October 25, 2022


 I had a birthday this month.  I am now 53 years old!

My birthday dinner was hamburgers.  I love hamburgers!  Without the bun.

Angela very kindly made me low carb brownies. We also made a cake for everyone else.

Rose is cute with her little hat, which is why I included this picture!  She is now reading quite well.  I have taught 9 kids to read.  I am proud.  I am done!

Kevin bought me a Pride and Prejudice game and a set of really good headphones. The kids gave me cards and homemade plushies.  I went to lunch with Lydia on my birthday. It was very pleasant.

I haven't been feeling great the last month; first COVID and also that stupid plantar fasciitis, plus some other mild issues.  It has been irritating but all in all, I am in good shape for my age.  I have friends my age and younger who are doing much worse so yes, I am thankful!

Our latest book launches on Kindle Unlimited on Thursday So that is exciting.  I am always worn out when I finish a book but within a week, my brain is buzzing again and I want to write. It has been a busy week so I haven't done much but I feel a strong desire to sit in front of the computer and hammer out some prose.

It has been warm this week for late October. Tomorrow a front goes through and it will cool off.

So yeah, life is just life I guess.  We are doing pretty well and I am thankful.

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