Friday, January 6, 2023

Warm Spell

 After the insane cold and wind the weekend of Christmas, we are enjoying a warm spell. Today it was like 40.  However, a couple of days ago it was...

Like.  Wow.  From 0 degrees on December 24th to 58 on January 4th.  Wow.

Five of our cats.  I don't see Cocoa but maybe she is in here somewhere.

All of these are strays or rescues. They either just showed up, or we heard about abandoned kittens and rescued them.

Here is a funny thing; the last kitten we acquired in any kind of normal way was Shadow, a female black cat who was a gift to Lydia.  She decided a couple of years ago that she preferred the neighbors house to our own, in spite of the fact that we had food on our porch and they didn't.

Well, our beloved neighbors were transferred overseas and another family bought the house next door.  Can you believe that they have been VERY kind to Shadow, to the point of letting her into their sun room during the cold snap?

This is in spite of her not being their problem at all. She has a home. She has us.  She doesn't want us.  She wants the neighbors.  And they are kind enough to take care of her when the temperature plunges.  We have had great neighbors for years and we are grateful. 

It was so warm that Isaac went sunbathing. Those are Cocoa's limbs in sight.

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