Sunday, March 5, 2023



The weather has been a bit wild and whacky lately. Today is nice though; currently 53 and partly sunny. The cats are really enjoying the warmer weather. You can see that both Cocoa and Moonbeam are quite pleased with life.

Two days ago we were absolutely deluged.  It rained and rained and rained and rained. And then it rained some more. We got more than 2 inches of rain!  It was also very windy and the wind was gusting. Obviously our porch got wet!

A few days ago, before the rain, I took the three youngest kids to a local park. It has a boardwalk.  It is beautiful in spring and summer. Now it was frankly a bit on the dull side because not much is growing, but we got some exercise so that was awesome.

A tree!  With buds! Spring is coming though we have some cold nights coming up.  That is March in Southern Ohio for ya!  My parents and one brother live in southwestern Michigan and they got pummeled with snow while we got rain so I guess I shouldn't complain!

I know this looks weird. It is low carb fudge.  It is a mix of cocoa, peanut butter, stevia, monk fruit, and margarine.  I love it.  I love it so much. So tasty!

What else? Well, the last couple of weeks have been light on appointments outside of the house which has been nice.  I didn't have to go in for jury duty, which  made me happy. This week, I am taking Angela to a local college so she can take a placement test.  I am signing her up for College Credit Plus this year and there are hoops she has to jump through as a first timer.  Miriam and Joseph did the placement test thing in previous years so they are easier. 

After Angela, we get a three year break before Sarah will be ready for CCP.

I am closing in on finishing another book. This one was written in conjunction with a friend who is a brilliant author.  Together we managed to write it very quickly! Well, it isn't done yet, but it is super close.

We also released an audio book of one of shorter books, A Fortuitous Fall, this week.  I don't listen to audio books at all; I am super visual and easily distractible so listening to things doesn't really work for my brain. But I know some people love audio books which is great, but not me.  But I am glad we have options for the auditory fans out there.

Last, but not least, we spied a new cat out by the barn a few days ago. We haven't seen him again so I don't know if he belongs to a neighbor and just stopped by, or what.  He is large, fluffy, and orange and white.

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