Friday, April 14, 2023

Easter and Other Stuff


More than half of us went to church on Easter.  We used to avoid Easter because we had so many children and Easter services were jammed and the kid's church and nursery were jammed and we were stressed.

But our new church is huge for the size of the congregation.  So it was fuller than usual, but still plenty of space.

It was a good sermon. Jesus is risen!  Our Savior lives!

Then we came home and had an egg hunt followed by an Easter feast.  Naomi and Lydia graciously filled the eggs and Naomi hid them. The kids were happy, especially Rose, who adores egg hunts!

Spring has sprung and Kevin and our sons went out and did a bunch of chopping and carrying of random branches.  Then we had a bonfire. It was fun. No marshmallows or anything. Just the joy of flames and heat!

Rose wanted to make cupcakes for the family.  Miriam helped her.

Then Rose made a cute little lunch with bowls full of snacky things.

Mocha thinks that Moonbeam's flank is a nice pillow.

Mostly it was a good week. I still feel melancholy about the little girl that died a few weeks ago.  So sad.

I had a terrible nosebleed two nights ago and then again the next morning.  It was really hard to get it stopped. It would stop and then start back up.  Ugh. So on Thursday I took it easily and drank lots of water. I haven't had a nosebleed in more than 24 hours so...yeah!!

This weekend is busy. Miriam works tomorrow and 3 of us are going to help at our church's food pantry.

Kevin and I have been talking his post retirement life, which is still a ways off but not too crazy far off.  The government is nice that way; if you work 30 years, there are significant benefits regarding annuities and fun stuff like that.

It will be nice when he retires. I know some people get bored but Kevin won't get bored.  We have all these kids, for one thing :-). 

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