Thursday, April 27, 2023

End of April


Our pool is, once again, breeding 18 million tadpoles. Those dark spots? Tadpoles.  Our local tree frogs LOVE the pool.  For now.  We are still a month out from opening the pool so we are probably going to have a lot of little frogs.

Kevin's mom kindly gave the kids an Easter House to decorate.  They did.  It was beautiful. Then they ate it.  Why waste food, right?

You may remember that we adopted two little tiny kittens a year ago or so.  They were very small and needed to be bottle fed for a week or so.  Jet is on the left in this picture. The cat on the right, with Jet's arm around her neck, is Cocoa.  Opal, Jet's sister, is living with Naomi and Lydia. The funny thing is Opal went to live with the big girls (she was not doing well with annoying dogs coming over from a neighbor's house, to the point that she wasn't eating well) and then Cocoa showed up and Jet adopted her.  It is adorable.

Naomi sold us one of her tablets with an Apple pencil. The kids are ecstatic.  They are drawing a lot.  Have I ever mentioned how artistic they are???

I wrote "Cats Need Water" and Rose wrote the other things.  Obviously she is not spelling well. Yet.  I am thankful she is my 9th kid because I am totally mellow about the phonetic spelling.  I know from experience that she will naturally improve as she reads and writes.

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