Saturday, August 12, 2023

This Week in Words

 We formally started homeschooling with the three younger children this week. It was very mellow, with just math, handwriting, and in Sarah's case, an assigned book to read.

It mostly went well. It was a very busy week for some reason -- well, Kevin wasn't feeling well, so that was part of it, and two kids were rushing back and forth to Burger King to work, and Isaac had a dental appointment, and Angela had a dental appointment...

Anyway, it was good but it was busy.

As obvious from a previous post, we launched a new book, The Second Mr. Darcy. It is, I think, a good book. So far the reviews are positive. So that is great.

As I said, Kevin hasn't been feeling well.  On Wednesday we went to the Little Clinic at Kroger and he got prednisone to help with sinus and headache problems.

I took Miriam and Angela to Kohls on Wednesday to buy some needed clothing.

That night I took four kids to a church picnic.  I was exhausted and stressed by the end of Wednesday. I do not like rushing around and being gone from home is hard on me.  That probably sounds like "woe is me". I think it is more I am thankful that I can stay home a lot. I need decompressing after being around people. 

Also, of course, the house has a evil habit of falling apart if I am gone from home a lot.  The children and Kevin do most of the work around here, but I'm the one that notices the weird stuff that needs done. When I say they do most of the work, I mean there are 8 of them and one of me so naturally they do more. Also, our children don't have back problems and the like.  So yes, I ask them, literally, to do the heavy lifting.

This coming week is also kind of busy. We have two kid birthdays!  Hooray!

Also I have to send in my notification of intent (NOI) for this coming homeschool year. The law is changing so this year is going to be hysterically messy but starting next year, the NOI will be far easier. By messy, I mean the local school districts are going to be horribly confused which means the required paperwork will be confused, probably.

We will overcome!

We continue to swim quite a bit in our pool, which is very nice. I think around 80 degrees. I confess to being at the part of the year where I am kind of ready to be done with the pool. It takes a lot of work to keep the chemicals at the right levels.  I do that -- that is one of my jobs, adding most of the chemicals.  The boys do the brushing and vacuuming. Oh, and if I fail to put in chemicals properly, the water turns very green very quickly.

So yep, busy time of year. God has blessed us.

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