Friday, December 15, 2023

Mid December

 Just like that, it is halfway through December! So far we haven't had too much cold; well, I mean, sometimes in the thirties and even twenties at night, but no serious cold snaps.

Daniel made cardboard boats to float in a tub. Very creative! He figured it out from a book.

This is MINE. I am eating spaghetti again, using chickpea pasta. Lower carb than regular pasta.

I bought a loom for Rose and Sarah to make pot holders. They. Love. It. We have lots of pot holders now.

I took the four younger kids to the Air Force Museum today. We wandered around for half an hour and then watched an IMAX movie on Fighter Pilots. We were the only ones in the theater. How fun is that?

So I keep gaining weight which is annoying but not surprising. First, I am middle aged now and I think my metabolism has slowed down. Also, I am less active than I was when I had a whole bunch of little kids. I used to just tear around the house from sun up to sun down. Well, that is exaggerating but I was very busy and on my feet a lot.

When I had newborns and was nursing, I sat more but hey, the milk took calories1

Anyway, last week I decided that I was going to exercise after lunch every possible day. I don't like running or elliptical machines. I don't like being miserably hot and sweaty. We are blessed with 5 acres and right now there are no bugs. So every day I have been marching around our last three acres twice.

I have also been doing Beatsaber fairly often. And lifting very light 5 lb weights in each hand.

I have also been trying to eat less and that is the hard part. Ugh. I don't like being hungry. Truthfully, sometimes I eat because I am bored. Not often, but sometimes, which doesn't help.

So yeah, hopefully this will help me stay where I am or even lose weight. I am currently about 173 lbs. I am also 5 ft 8+ inches so that isn't really heavy, but as I have doubtless said before, ten years ago I was like 140 lbs so I have gained a lot of weight in the last decade.

Even if I don't lose weight, I will undoubtedly be healthier if I am getting regular exercise.

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