Friday, December 29, 2023


 We are doing our usual "someone gets sick and then passes it around the family" thing. I have it now. Yesterday was pretty bad and I was thinking maybe bronchotis. Today is better and while I still don't feel perky, and have a sore throat, I think I am on my way towards being Ok.

Why do colds have to take so long?

It isn't COVID at leaste; three of us checked and all were negative.

I was thinking recently about how one sign of being comfortable with our money situation is I don't hesitate to buy COVID tests and use them with reckless abandon whenever we are sick :-).

If we do get COVID (again) I want to know.

Kevin's mom is heading to Texas tomorrow along with Kevin's sister for a visit. Kevin's mom is doing well after surgery on her arm. It really is a gift from God how much has changed medically in the last hundred, fifty, twenty, and ten years. The surgery was outpatient, in and out, and will result in a much improved outcome.

It is annoying being sick over the holidays but life happens. Also, we didn't have any medical appointments this week so that is actually kind of helpful.

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