Sunday, March 17, 2024

St. Patrick's Day


We splurged on these giant magnetic tiles which can be used to make boats and little houses and all that. It is charming and the three younger kids are really enjoying it.

It is in fact St. Patrick's Day though we don't really do much about it. Veggietales has a little story about St. Patrick, who was definitely an amazing guy. He also had a really hard life. He was abducted and hauled off to Ireland as a slave, among other things.

We had a problem with our plumbing this week. 

Kevin had to replace a tank becuase it wasn't doing something right. So he put in the blue tank in the picture and also moved a bunch of water lines around. It was a big job and he worked on it for like 20 hours with only 3 hours of sleep breaking it up. We also didn't have running water for most of a day. It was "fun".

Well, it wasn't, but that's Ok. Kevin got it taken care of. He is now mostly caught up on sleep.

I have not gotten much writing done lately and it is annoying me so we are going to have a light week of school so I can spend extra time writing. 

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