Thursday, August 29, 2024

Late August

 It is hot. So so so so hot. High of 95 today or something! It was 95 yesterday, and 95 the day before. There is a theme, as you can see.

However, it is supposed to be cooler starting this weekend. August is ending and September is coming so this is the last really hot gasp of summer, I expect. The kids have been swimming a great deal. The water is delightful.

Kevin took the kids raspberry picking last week. They picked a bunch of berries and...

Kevin made jam!

I ate so many beans these last weeks. I love beans and bacon.

We had a visitor; a rooster showed up at the neighbor's house a few weeks ago, out of nowhere. Then he decided to spend a few hours strutting around our pool area. Then he left to go somewhere else.

More beans. 

We lined up the seven kids at home in order of birth. Isaac is over 6 ft. 3 inches tall. Daniel is growing fast, like an inch in the last two months! He is definitely in the middle of his massive growth spurt.

A few last things though. Lydia, as of today, has a job!  She interviewed for a receptionist position this morning and was offered the job. We are so happy! She is definitely feeling better than she was even two months ago. God is good and we are so thankful.

Another one of our books is coming out early next month. Kevin has been toiling away dealing with our narrator and getting files set up and all that. I am so grateful for him!

I am feeling pretty good now. In fact, great, though I still am not being super active in the very hot weather.

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