Sunday, August 11, 2024

Still sick


It wasn't COVID. It isn't COVID. We are happy about that.

But while most of my symptoms from the recent illness are gone, I now have breathing problems. I had breathing problems all week. On Thursday I went to an urgent care with Kevin and got steroids. I am better than I was, but am not yet perfect.

It is very annoying. Thursday I couldn't talk for more than  a couple of minutes without panting for air. Now I can talk fairly well though any activity makes me pant.

So baby steps. I am trying to be thankful but I am more annoyed than thankful. But I should be thankful.

Needless to say, Kevin and the kids have been doing all the hard work.

Kevin and two of the girls picked green beans. I love green beans and bacon so much.

As is common for us Kendigs, it took weeks for everyone to get sick with this thing. Joseph called off work on Friday, and Daniel is sick now.  Sigh.

But we are getting there.

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