I THINK our little guy is less yellow. He's been having regular sunbaths and it seems like his skin color has improved. He'll have additional bloodwork on Friday. I think all is well.
Many thanks to Anna for reminding me about tummy time. I have a love/hate relationship with tummy time. Yes, it develops neck muscles and that is good. But all my kids have HATED tummy time. Hated it. Wailed and screamed. So with Daniel, I will confess I was giving him ZERO tummy time 'til this week.
And then he shocked me by actually liking it! He fell ASLEEP on his tummy once this week, which my other kids would never do. That is not recommended as the SIDS risk is higher for babies who are used to back sleeping and then fall asleep on their tummies, so I quickly turned him over when I realized he was asleep. But we can do tummy time for Daniel without gnashing of toothless gums. That is a very nice thing :-).
Oh yeah, I can do this tummy time thing!
1 comment:
All three of mine hated tummy time too - I think it drove our original ped crazy that I wasn't forcing it on my babies. However they also rolled over early and I even let them sleep on their bellies with no harm done :D even though the ped did their best to scare me.
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