Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Dining Room

              I thought this might be vaguely interesting.  But maybe only vaguely. I'm part of a decluttering group on Facebook and we had a brief discussion about decorating recently.

               Decorating is not my forte, mostly because I don't care much.  We have off white walls and while we do have pictures and other items on the walls, mostly those are my wonderful husband's doing. 

                I don't know if I'd be this way if we weren't blessed with our large family.  If we had 3 children and they were 15, 14, and 12 -- well, I wouldn't be worrying about messes as much and I might devote more time to decorating.  As it is, a small part of my brain is constantly assessing items for mess or breakage potential.  Usually, given a choice, I'd rather not have any decorative items because we are constantly battling clutter and decorative items are usually more clutter.

               Having said all that, we have some crosses and pictures hanging in this dining room.

              We also have the cabinet in the dining room, which is now locked.  It holds cereal and candy.  Our toddler son simultaneously outraged and amused me last week when I got up early, let him out of his room (first mistake) and then tried to keep him out of trouble while I fed Rose. Rose got fed, but Daniel got into the cereal cabinet, found a large bag of cereal, took off the clip, turned it over, and dumped it all over the floor. We had a veritable mound of Cocoa Puffs on the floor. I know what you are thinking. Cocoa Puffs are so evilly unhealthy that they are better off the floor. Maybe you are right, but oh what a mess, and the kids were disappointed.

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