Monday, September 7, 2020

Random Pictures of Random Interest


This is funny, I think.  With September, and autumn, upon us, the pool water is cooling down rapidly. There is no one in this house who likes really cold water, so...

Kevin tried heating the water.  He put hoses into the pool and connected them to a pump, purchased, of course, off Amazon.  In this iteration, he put a bucket of water onto a hot plate and turned on the hot plate. Water got hot.  Hoses were connected to a copper coil sitting in the hot water.  So water from pool went through hose though copper tubing into another hose and back into the pool.  

In this iteration, Kevin put copper tubing inside our chiminea, and stoked up the fire.  Again, hose brought water from pool into copper tubing into another hose back into pool.  Oh, there is a pump in series there, because there has to be.

Neither method worked amazingly well.  There is SO much water in the pool that this just was in the noise.  But the copper tubing in the water was better even though the fire was far hotter than the water in the bucket.  BUT heat transfer between copper tubing and water was far better than heat transfer between copper tubing and hot hair.

The kittens are getting enormous. Here, they are suffering a lot, obviously. We are getting them fixed in about two weeks.

Sometimes Kevin has to dress up for a work meeting.  Obviously anything below his waist doesn't matter!

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