Saturday, October 10, 2020

This Week in Pictures


I nobly took the kids to a park yesterday morning.  Well, the younger three kids.  We met Lydia with the two children she is nannying. I am not posting their pictures because I do not have permission. It was a lot of fun, really.  There were other families that came and went and the kids had a great time.

This is our sun room.  We moved into this house 15 years ago and the sliding door at the end was a disaster at the time. You can barely see it through the new door; it was all opaque and ugly. Kevin and the kids worked very hard to put in a new sliding door. Also, we moved out a climbing gym and the cats, so the sun room looks amazing right now! 

Kevin is really good at projects like this.  It is incredible how gifted he is!

I am happy that most of my kids love to read like I do.  

Neighbor kids have been over a lot with lovely weather lately.  They like to play these complicated neato games.  Rose and the neighbors' 4 year old love to draw in chalk on the floor.  Awesome.

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