Thursday, January 21, 2021



I think this is adorable.  Oldest and youngest children playing Minecraft.

Angela has braces!  She got them on Monday.

I gave Rose and Sarah a ball of yarn and this happened.  Obstacle course.

We got a LITTLE snow.  Rose and Daniel approved!

Rose made a cute little house for herself in the sun room.

Rose and Sarah enjoyed painting.

In other news, Kevin is back to work finally.  I mean, he has been working from home for months and months, but is now going into work.  It is easier for him to concentrate there.  Who would have known??

We had a tragedy yesterday.  One of our older cats, maybe THE oldest cat, was hit by a car.  We have been really fortunate about cats and cars.  Our house is set back from the road and it is not a busy road, but Lloyd was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  The kids were very sad, of course.  I am sad too.

I finished a book this week.  I have always been a goal oriented person and when I am near the end of a project, I just want to get it done. So I have been writing like a crazy person the last few weeks.  Now it is all in the publishing team's hands -- namely Kevin, Naomi, and Lydia.  

We have been making a surprising amount of money writing.  I mean, I am shocked.  At least $4000 a month, which is CRAZY.  But I am also pushing books out very frequently.  The last book was published in early November and before that, I was managing a new book every 7 weeks. Since COVID interfered, this one took longer.  Very few new authors do this well but then I do write fast, PLUS I had a built in fan base from fan fiction writing PLUS I am writing in a niche genre (Pride and Prejudice) with a lot of built in enthusiasts.  So yeah.  And if I don't keep publishing new books, the royalties drop quickly.  For a good three weeks in late November, early December, I was making like $200+  a day on royalties, which is crazy.  Lately my royalties have hovered around $100-$130.

Kevin has been doing a lot of marketing stuff too.  I am incredibly blessed to have a husband who just loves this kind of thing. He is very smart, obviously, and has learned a ton about how to market successfully.

So yes, I am a good writer, but I also have a bunch of really competent people in the family who can help in this whole enterprise.

I am kind of frazzled right now, I admit it, because I have been writing a lot and life has been busy with doctor and orthodontic appointments and the cat died and Kevin has been back to work...

But what a blessing that I CAN write well. What a blessing that we can afford to take our kiddos to an orthodontist.  What a blessing that I can get a shingles vaccination except I didn't, because I sat in the parking lot yesterday for half an hour having to pee but they were way backed up so I called and cancelled.

Oh well.

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