Sunday, January 10, 2021

Teaching Rose to Read

 Rose was six last summer.  Many children her age are reading well but honestly, she is not.

And I truly am fine with that. However, I know from experience that she could be making more progress with reading than she has and that is mostly my fault.  The end of last year was pretty exhausting what with COVID (or whatever it was) and then the busyness and excitement of the Christmas holiday plus three birthdays.

This week, we were back to regular homeschooling and I decided that Rose and I were going to work on reading faithfully. Sure enough, she made significant progress just in the last week.

Now as ya'all know, I have a LOT of kids.  I have kids with all kinds of temperaments and characters. Rose is the youngest, but she has a very strong will. That is truly a gift from God, I know that.  It is hard work for Kevin and me in some ways, but she is not the type of kid to sway back and forth in the winds. She knows her mind!

She is pretty crabby about learning to read, which is sort of amusing and sort of frustrating.  She has said more than once that "she will never learn to read" which is hilarious. Also, she announced this week that she will be a Nook.

What, you may ask, is a Nook?

Well, that comes from the book One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish by Doctor Seuss.

We took a look.

We saw a Nook.

On his head

he had a hook.

On his hook

he had a book.

On his book

was "How to Cook."

We saw him sit 

and try to cook.

He took a look

at the book on the hook.

But a Nook can't read,

so a Nook can't cook.


what good to a Nook

is a hook cook book?

She independently concluded that a Nook is "an old person who can't read" and therefore she was going to be a "Nook" when she grew up.

Obviously the child is both imaginative and smart.

She will learn to read in time.

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