Friday, August 20, 2021


 This week has been quite tiring. Kevin and his four children and I and my four kids all had a great time on vacation last week. We got home from Michigan on Sunday, and I picked Kevin and the boys and Naomi up at midnight on Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning.

Naturally, it has taken some extra energy and work to get the house and our lives kind of back in place.  The pool got really messed up while we were gone, and we are still throwing chlorine in and battling it into submission. It is swimmable, but not gorgeous.

On the emotional side of things, COVID-19 finally hit hard.  A close relation is in the hospital on a ventilator with COVID.  Thankfully, he is only a little older than I am so his age is in his favor.  But still, it is really upsetting and scary.  Obviously we are praying and praying for him and his family.

This thing in Afghanistan is also upsetting.  We know a lot because the media is showing us.  It is bad.  It is sad. It is scary.  It is tragic. Lots of people are suffering.  Americans and Afghanis are in a lot of danger.

I know the evacuation of Vietnam was also messy and tragic.  Politics and wars and the Taliban are overwhelmingly difficult and complicated and all I can do is pray.

So I am praying a lot.  In the middle of things outside my control are the kids and Kevin and our lives and yes, even our pool.

Isaac starts in person classes next week at a local university.  Today he drove there and we figured out where his classrooms are.  He is still a new driver so yes, another area for prayer!  At least it isn't far and it isn't a difficult drive. We are blessed that we rarely cope with lots of bad traffic.

Lydia got a new job, and Naomi starts her new job on Monday.  Hooray!

A lot is going on. A lot.  Lord, have mercy on our relative, and on Afghanistan, and give wisdom to our leaders, and work in the hearts of the leaders of the Taliban.

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